The recent Strasburger Hot Topic Symposium on "Co- and Post-translational Control in Chloroplasts" was held at the University of Münster in November It brought together more than 50 researchers from six countries to discuss the latest developments in control of chloroplast functions and on advances in our understanding of co- and post-translational modifications, protein interactions, and stress responses within chloroplasts. Thanks to several photographers more than 1, images from our recent Botanik-Tagung in Halle in September were taken from which many are available via our Intranet. Please log in first. The fourth international Thermomorphogenesis Symposium was organized in Würzburg, Germany, from 4 th to 6 th September Main organiser Dr Daniel Maag summarises the conference topics and points out how early career scientists profited from the exchange with other scientists during the DBG-supported gathering. Around 60 researchers gathered in Bochum for this year's symposium of the International Society of Endocytobiology ISE from September 10 to Over two and a half days, 35 presentations and Prostituierte Bianka Goslar Show & Talk posters highlighted the latest research findings in the field of endocytobiology. Additionally, many contributions centered on the analysis of organismic symbiosis. In her report Schünemann pronounces the importance of conferences especially for early career scientists and lists the awarded presentations. Recent advances in scientific iron nutrition in plants to solve global challenges based on scientific evidence were in the focus of the 21st International Symposium of Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants ISINIP at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf HHUGermany. Special emphasis was given to the significance of research of the critical micronutrient for food security, environmental sustainability, and the molecular regulation of iron uptake, allocation, and storage. The conference brought together more than international plant science experts and early career scientists to broaden their expertise and helped to build their networks. Conference chair, Professor Dr Petra Bauer, reports Prostituierte Bianka Goslar Show & Talk the topics of the meeting that took place in July, which comprised fundamental biology, soil ecology and biotechnology approaches of plant iron nutrition. In his opening speech of the Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences DBGour president, Professor Dr Andreas Weber, reminded us that plants as our common study objects are not only at the base of most food webs and important to maintain ecosystem function. But plant science can also contribute to Prostituierte Bianka Goslar Show & Talk ways to effectively remove carbon from the atmosphere as well as for developing solutions to prevent further biodiversity loss. He reminded us, that the loss of biodiversity is an even greater threat to humankind than climate change, since we are losing diversity at an alarming rate of to species per day through human activities. Our interdisciplinary Botanik-Tagung provides a space to bring together plants, people and societal benefits. The Young Session of the Second European Congress on Photosynthesis Research was held in Padua, Italy, on June 24 and 25, More than early-career scientists from over 20 countries actively participated in this event. The program featured over 20 talks covering a diverse range of topics including biophysics, molecular biology, ecophysiology, and new technologies, along with a poster session showcasing over research posters. The DBG sponsored the attendance of three young scientists selected by the organizers, whose insights are highlighted in this conference report. During the Gordon Research Conference GRC on mitochondria and chloroplasts more than participants from botany, zoology, mycology and medicine discussed recent advances as well as unpublished research results. During the International Conference of our German Society for Plant Sciences DBG the Botanik-Tagungplant geneticist Dr. Henryk Straube received the Wilhelm Pfeffer Pizemicrobe scientist Dr. Eliza Loo got the Eduard Strasburger Prizeand bioinformatician Dr. The three awardees were invited to present their research in a plenary lecture. Also cell biologist Dr. Their excellent plant research results will help future research in measuring rare DNA nucleotids, improving plant health, analyzing RNA binding proteins, or looking into plant cell division. The symposium has a long tradition and took place in in Wageningen The Netherlands for the first time. It is held every three years and was held in Germany for the second time from 4th until 8th August in Haus Neuland in Bielefeld as SIP About participants from at least 19 countries discussed recent research on insect-plant interactions, extending also to other interaction partners. Exciting keynote talks were given by Renee M. Borges IndiaRieta Gols The NetherlandsScott Johnson AustraliaMeredith Schuman SwitzerlandAnurag A. Zytynska UK and Robert R. Junker Germany. Additional research was presented and discussed in selected scientific talks as well as in form of numerous scientific posters. The organising committee — Caroline Müller, Rabea Schweiger and Christine Fiebig Chemical Ecology, Bielefeld University — report on a fruitful scientific exchange in a great network, accompanied by exciting excursions, a workshop and a productive get-together in a very green environment.
Mishkan Museum of Art, Kibbutz Ein Harod, pp. It is organized by the Christian-Albrechts-University and our German Society for Plant Sciences Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, DBG. In his report, conference chair Professor Andreas Meyer not only mentions the impressive history of plant sciences at the University of Bonn but also gives an overview about the scientific topics at the conference, the awards given and informs about the answers to a quiz the local organizers invented for this conference. DBG thanks all involved jury members at the universities. Together with my colleagues, I would be thrilled if you take the opportunity to participate in this in-person meeting and actively engage in presenting and discussing current work and ideas in Bonn. Being fast therefore is of advantage.
Strasburger Hot Topic: Co- and Posttranslational Control in Chloroplasts
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