Allow us to introduce you to Reto Steiner, born inwho resides and creates in Frutigen, Switzerland. Trained as a stone sculptor, Reto has honed his craft at the Sigerwerk art foundry in St. Gallen and served as an assistant to Markus Raetz. He earned a Master's degree in Contemporary Arts Practice from Sydney Lilly Hamburg Prostituierte University of the Arts in His relief works resemble artifacts from the future—messages or symbols from a yet-to-be-experienced past. These surreal forms lack real-world counterparts, evoking thoughts of organic shapes or fossils of an undiscovered species. For Reto Steiner, they are stone-carved sketches, offering a glimpse into his unique artistic vision. This video exemplifies how the artistic practice of Janet Mueller and Talaya Schmid inspired Swiss fashion superstar Yannik Zamboni to create "Art On The Body," a wearable art collection featured on Heidi Klum's "Germany's Next Top Model". Yannik and Janet, long-time friends and artists in their own right, frequently exchange ideas, opinions, and creative energy, enriching each other's artistic practices. These were crafted during a tufting workshop at Talaya Schmid's studio. Talaya, a performance artist specializing in soft sculpture, guided Yannik through the creation Sydney Lilly Hamburg Prostituierte these pieces. Later, they were framed and integrated into his wearable art collection. In return, Talaya will visit the Maison Blanche production studio, where Yannik will help her create a costume for her upcoming performance at the Museum für Gestaltung later this year. It is common in the art world to inspire, learn from each other, and share common aesthetic and emotional visions. Whether people, buildings, or landscapes, the finiteness of existence always resonates—suffusing his oeuvre with a beguiling melancholy. Her work, which is political and provocative at the same time, follows in the tradition of feminist positions like those of Lily Keller and Valie Export, Tracy Emin and Lygia Clark, and augments emancipatory movements with the topic of physical and social fluidity. Talaya Schmid's work is represented in numerous private and public collections, such as the Art Collection of the City of Zurich and the Museum of Design Zurich. Concrete, figurative, and typographic elements come together in a process of layering and removing paint to form an intensely personal visual language that combines surrealist automatism and neo-expressionist expression, sometimes reminiscent of Jean-Michel Basquiat. The paintings, installations, and actions address the intuitive, gestural, and process-oriented aspects of the act of painting, confronting the immediacy, imperfection, and the question of identity without compromise. Janet Mueller's works are part of numerous private and public art collections, including those of the City Sydney Lilly Hamburg Prostituierte Zurich and the Swiss National Bank. Jonas Burkhalter is taking part in the group show «How surrealism came into the world?? Simone Toellner writes on Karoline's creative path and carrier in the art industry in her article « Karoline Schreiber: Variables And Constants In Art And Finance» for Finews Art. What does the cooperation with Corporate Collections look like?! Simone Toellner from Finews. Februar — 7. Talaya Schmid wird mit dem Werkbeitrag des Kantons Zürich ausgezeichnet. Für Ihre Arbeit «Liquid Cvntry» erhält sie die wichtigste Auszeichnung im Bereich bildende Kunst, die der Kanton Zürich jährlich vergibt. Werkschau im Museum Haus Konstruktiv bis Sonntag, 8. Oktober Performance Talaya Schmid mit Belia Winnewisser Sound Mittwoch, 4. Kunstforum International über die 4. Industrial Art Biennale in Istrien, Kroatien mit «Liquid Cuntry» von Talaya Schmid. Freymond denkt lange nach: «Das Beste, was sie tun kann, ist berühren. Es beweise, dass das Gesehene und Gehörte etwas mit einem mache. Und damit würden im Kleinen Dinge beeinflusst — und später, multipliziert und in kleinen Schritten, auch das grosse Ganze. Bieler Tagblatt, 7. Talaya Schmid kreiert, anlässlich der 4th Industrial Art Biennial im Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka, eine Landschaft, in der die Durchlässigkeit und die Veränderung zelebriert werden. Die Installation setzt einen Kontrapunkt zu Kategorisierungen und Grenzen und ist mit allen Sinnen erlebbar.
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