Be on the safe side and have full flexibility! Book the Cancellation Option for CHF 5. We only keep the CHF 5. Further information can be found in the terms and conditions under point Our online range includes clothing and accessories. The equipment can be collected from on the evening before the first rental day and returned either at the end of the last rental day or before on the following day. No more data input, we remember your used equipment and you'll get all important information for your perfect skiing holidays. Cancellation option Best trained staff Rent instead of lugging. Toggle navigation Menu. Shops Skirental Bikerental English French German. Book your equipment now! Where would you like to rent? We have the right equipment for you! Over Very pleased with how friendly and efficient the staff was, they were extremely helpful when one my skis broke and were quick to replace it. Ali, Liverpool, December I had a wonderful experience and would highly recommend to anyone visiting. Rebecca, Alexandria, December My wife and I showed up and were greeted by the ladies upstairs who directed us downstairs for a ski equipment. Luis then greeted us and helped us get situated into our gear double checking measurements and gear fitment. In no time we were set and ready to hit the mountain. During that first day it was decided that I should switch to skis and Ben was very helpful in helping take care of that. All of the staff were always friendly and helpful. Process was quick and easy but made the trip possible. Jonathan, Orlando, December Shop was great and it was an easy Fiets Huren In Brugge enjoyable experience. Blaigh, Ft Wayne, December Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Linus, der uns so kompetent freundlich und locker bedient hat. Mit unserer Tochter ist er umgegangen, als wäre sie seine kleine Schwester, war sehr süss mitanzusehen. Sie hatte auch grosse Freude an euch allen. Bis nächstes Mal! Hella Neuweiler. Hella, Zürich, December The staff was super friendly and fitted the skis perfectly. I also bought a ski outfit there for Fr. I will rent there again when I ski in Saas Fee in Dec. Thank you.
SIGNAAL is een safer space post. Systembedingt zZt nicht möglich. Die Stadt Brügge ist seit langem als fahrradfreundliche Region bekannt, und da Bens Wurzeln tief im Brügger Umland verwurzelt sind, war er mehr als glücklich, seine Stadt und seine Leidenschaft zu repräsentieren. Enzo, Oberursel, April The staff was super friendly and fitted the skis perfectly.
Schnell & bequem online mieten bei INTERSPORT Rent!
Taxi Fiets Brugge. Dé feest- en concertzaal in Brugge. Curando vzw. Geniet op een zonnige dag van een rit langs de kust of polders en ontdek het gevoel van vrijheid op één van onze scooters of e-bikes! ✓ minimum personen ✓Licht en geluid aanwezig ✓ We denken met je mee om je event te doen slagen. Daverlostraat 80, Assebroek. T 67 35 25 [email protected] rolstoelfiets-huren. Lippenslaan Topaktuelle Modelle in verschiedenen Kategorien; Professionelle und kompetente Beratung; An den schönsten Orten in der Schweiz. ▻ Bekijk de zaal.Your resort staff were excellent. For regular customers No more data input, we remember your used equipment and you'll get all important information for your perfect skiing holidays. Patrick, Kriens, April De grote zaal van Het Entrepot is uitermate geschikt voor verschillende types van events. Erneut eine sehr kompetente und freundliche Beratung. I brought my children for their first skiing holiday and was very impressed by the care, knowledge and kindness of the staff. Bis nächstes Mal! Jetzt buchen! The staff were very accommodating to this request, and offered to refund us in full with no questions asked. Andre, Buchrain, July Hella Neuweiler. The equipment was tip top condition. Ich war wiederum sehr zufrieden. As we were unsure whether the bad weather would continue over the next day, we requested to cancel our booking entirely. Expo in De Tank: Voicemail Locatie : De Tank. Leider gab es ja wetterbedingt dieses Jahr an Karfreitag und Ostersamstag keinen Skibetrieb. Erneut eine sehr kompetente und freundliche Beratung. Thank you! George and the Australia fella were the best! Ali, Liverpool, December Luis then greeted us and helped us get situated into our gear double checking measurements and gear fitment. Sehr gut! Toggle navigation Menu. I also bought a ski outfit there for Fr. Book the Cancellation Option for CHF 5. Du hast bereits einen Account? Blaigh, Ft Wayne, Dezember George and the Australia fella were the best! Ich habe mich sehr gut betreut gefühlt! Thomas, Mannheim, April Das ist Kundendienst! Shops Skirental Bikerental English French German. Jürg, Bern, March Daniel, Bern, März